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K-12 Tutoring is just the beginning.
No matter what school you attend, be it public school, private school, or home school, Angwin Academy is dedicated to your needs. We understand the need to meet kids where they are, understand their unique developmental journeys, and provide strategic support to keep them focused and successful
Call Now! (843) - 213 - 1666

1-to-1 Tutoring
* A personalized assistant
to help you through challenging
subject material.
AP Exam Prep
* Study with a plan. Work smarter, not necessarily harder.
Math Recovery
* Catch up and get in front of the pack with math recovery.
Literacy Building for Children with Learning Disabilities
* Hills Center
On-site Psycho-educational Evaluations
* Empower your self-awareness by learning how your brain processes information.
Executive Functioning and Organization
* Learn, implement, and practice strategic skills for staying organized across academic and personal goals.
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